TNT 2005 "Trends inNanotechnology"
Oviedo, Spain 29 August - 02 September, 2005
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Last Updated: 25 Octubre, 2018

TNT next edition will take place in Grenoble (France) 04-08 September, 2006 and the related website is available at
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Proceedings Online Submission System is ready. Extended deadline for submission: October 17, 2005

Check TNT2005 Press Releases (in Spanish)

  1. More than 60 high level speakers (Speakers)
  2. A broad spectra of Nanotechnology related topics covered (Programme)
  3. Two poster sessions with around 245 contributions (Posters)
  4. 28 awards (7800 Euros) to the best Ph.D. student posters (Awards)
  5. More than 70 grants: students are the future of Nano (Grants)
  6. 11 world leader companies exhibition (Exhibitors)
  7. Fast publication of TNT2005 proceedings (Proceedings)
Where? (Venue / Oviedo)
Thanks to our Sponsors and Committees!
If you know it (History), you know we are talking about.

If you will not be able to attend TNT2005, you will have a new opportunity next year..........See you in MINATEC (Grenoble, France)!

Confirmed Invited Lectures
  1. Harold Kroto (Florida State University, USA)
  2. Heinrich Rohrer (Switzerland)

Confirmed Keynote Lectures
  1. Masakazu Aono (Nanomaterials Lab. NIMS, Japan)
  2. Yoshio Bando (NIMS, Japan)
  3. Jacques Beauvais (University of Sherbrooke, Canada)
  4. Flemming Besenbacher (iNANO, Denmark)
  5. Gerard Bidan (CEA-DRFMC, France)
  6. Mei-Yin Chou (Georgia Tech, USA)
  7. Russell Cowburn (Imperial College London, UK)
  8. Oscar Custance (Osaka University, Japan)
  9. Yves Dufrene (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
  10. Pedro Echenique (DIPC/UPV, Spain)
  11. Jaime Ferrer (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
  12. Peter Gruetter (McGill University, Canada)
  13. Bret Heinrich (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
  14. Peter Hinterdorfer (University of Linz, Austria)
  15. Kikuji Hirose (Osaka University, Japan)
  16. Maki Kwai (Tokyo University, Japan)
  17. Colin Lambert (Lancaster University, UK)
  18. Uzi Landman (Georgia Tech, USA)
  19. Gustavo Luengo (L'OREAL Research, France)
  20. Richard Martel (Montreal University, Canada)
  21. Bill Milne (Cambridge University, UK)
  22. Daniel Mueller (Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany)
  23. Abraham Nitzan (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  24. Bibiana Onoa (Dupont, USA)
  25. Pablo Ordejon (CSIC-ICMAB, Spain)
  26. Yung-Woo Park (Seoul National University, Korea)
  27. Michael Pustilnik (Georgia Tech, USA)
  28. Eran Rabani (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
  29. Ron Reifenberger (Purdue University, USA)
  30. Siegmar Roth (M-P-I fuer Festkoerperforschung, Germany)
  31. Miquel Salmeron (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA)
  32. Clivia Sotomayor Torres (NMRC, Ireland)
  33. Nongjian Tao (Arizona State University, USA)
  34. Kohei Uosaki (Hokkaido University, Japan)
  35. Patrick Van Hove (EC-DG Information Society, Belgium)
  36. Jose-Luis Vicent (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
  37. Robert A. Wolkow (University of Alberta, Canada)
  38. Hongqi Xu (University of Lund / Nanometer Consortium, Sweden)

PHANTOMS Foundation
Universidad de Oviedo
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Donostia International Physics Center
Purdue University
Universidad Carlos III
Nanomaterials Laboratory


Parque Cientifico de Madrid
iNANO - Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center
Nanomaterials Laboratory
NSERC Nano Innovation Platform
Tyndall National Institute
Sociedad de Microscopia Española
Parc Cientific de Barcelona
Raith GmbH
Mediadores Asociados Asturianos
Principado de Asturias
Ayuntamiento de Oviedo

Asturiana de Zinc
Saint-Gobain Cristaleria
Office of Naval Research - Global
InderScience Publishers
Dupont USA (PARSAT & DuET groups)


NANOTEC Electronica
Raith GmbH
Orsay Physics

Schaefer Techniques
Atomic Force GmbH
Carl Zeiss SMT
SUSS MicroTec
Further details:
Dr. Antonio Correia
Fundacion PHANTOMS
PCM - Pabellón C, Ctra. Colmenar Viejo Km 15
Campus de Cantoblanco-UAM, 28049 Madrid
The rapidly emerging areas of nanoscale science and technology are focussed on the design, fabrication, and characterization of functional objects having dimensions at the nanometer length scale. New advances in this emerging area are expected to have long range implications in a wide variety of different scientific and engineering disciplines. The importance of nanoscale science is growing worldwide and it is now widely recognized as a critical component to the future growth of the world economy.
In response to the growing awareness of the importance of nanotechnology, many conferences are being organized worldwide to discuss the latest advances. Among those, the series of conferences "Trends in Nanotechnology" (Toledo-Spain, 2000 / Segovia-Spain, 2001 / Santiago de Compostela-Spain, 2002 / Salamanca-Spain, 2003 / Segovia-Spain, 2004) has become a key meeting in the nanotechnology field since it brings fresh ideas on organisation, first level speakers, and an environment suitable to keep discussions, ideas exchange and enhance scientific and personal relations among participants. TNT2005 is being held in large part due to the overwhelming success of earlier Nanotechnology Conferences, TNT2000, TNT2001, TNT2002, TNT2003 and TNT2004. TNT2005 will be organized in a similar way to the five prior TNT conferences. In 2004, this five day conference attracted around 370 scientists worldwide and featured ~70 talks ranging from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Approximately 250 posters were presented.
The aim of the "Trends in Nanotechnology" conference (TNT2005) will be to focus on the applications of Nanotechnology and to bring together in a scientific Forum various groups throughout the world working in this field.

During this event, specific sessions on topics of interest will be organised with Research labs, Institutions or Networks such as iNANO (Denmark) / Nanobiotechnology, NIMS (Japan) / Nanomaterials or GDR-E (Europe) / Nanotubes.
A characteristic feature of this conference is the large number of students presenting their results at poster sessions. The TNT structure will provide such as last years an opportunity for broad interaction. The TNT presentations are categorised in the following major topics:
  • Carbon Nanotubes Based Nanoelectronics and Field Emission
  • Nanostructured and Nanoparticle Based Materials
  • Low-Dimensional Materials (Nanowires, Clusters, Quantum Dots, etc.)
  • Nanofabrication Tools and Nanoscale Integration
  • Nanochemistry
  • Nanobiotechnologies
  • Theory and Modelling at the Nanoscale
  • Nanomagnetism and Spintronics
  • Scanning Probes Methods
  • Ultimate Limits of Measurement: Metrology and Nanostandards
Conference Location - "Principe Felipe" Congress Center
The conference will be held in the "Principe Felipe" Congress Centre.
In collaboration with:
Colegio Oficial de Físicos

SPM Nanolithography on Silicon - Courtesy: Nanotec S.L.

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