
 nanoICT Coordination Action (nanoICT)

  Correia Antonio (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)
  Design and layout
  Phantoms Foundation
At this stage, it is impossible to predict the exact course the nanotechnology revolution will take and, therefore, its effect on our daily lives. We can, however, be reasonably sure that nanotechnology will have a profound impact on the future development of many commercial sectors. The impact will likely be greatest in the strategic nanoelectronics (ICT nanoscale devices - nanoICT) sector, currently one of the key enabling technologies for sustainable and competitive growth in Europe, where the demand for technologies permitting faster processing of data
at lower costs will remain undiminished.

Considering the fast and continuous evolvements in the inter-disciplinary field of Nanotechnology and in particular of “ICT nanoscale devices”, initiatives such as the nanoICT Coordination Action1 should identify and monitor the new emerging fields research drivers of interest for this Community and put in place instruments/measures to address them.
One of the main challenges is the timely identification and substantiation of new directions for the physical realisation of ICT beyond CMOS that have a high potential for significant breakthrough and that may become the foundations of the information and communication technologies and innovations of tomorrow.

Therefore, the second version of the nanoICT Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) provides focus and accelerate progress in identified R&D directions and priorities for the “nanoscale ICT devices and systems” FET proactive program and guide public research institutions, keeping Europe at the forefront in research. In addition, it aims to be a valid source of guidance, not only for the nanoICT scientific community but also for the industry (roadmapping issues), providing the latest developments in the field of emerging nanodevices that appear promising for future take up by the industry.

This updated version of the research agenda is an open document to comments and/or suggestions and covers a very wide range of interdisciplinary areas of research and development, such as BioICT, NEMS, Graphene, Modelling, Nanophotonics, Nanophononics, etc. providing insights in these areas, currently very active worldwide.

Expected impact of initiatives such as this nanoICT strategic research agenda is to enhance visibility, communication and networking between specialists in several fields, facilitate rapid information flow, look for areas of common ground between different technologies and therefore shape and consolidate the European research community.

I hope you will enjoy reading this document. Please contact coordinators of the working groups if you are interested in providing a comment or would like to see your research featured in future editions.

The editor
Dr. Antonio Correia - Coordinator of the nanoICT CA
Phantoms Foundation (Madrid, Spain)

  1.- Introduction
  2.- Strategic Research Agendas
  2.1.- Graphene
  2.2.- Modelling
  2.3.- Nanophotonics and Nanophononics
  3.- Annex 1 - NanoICT Working Groups - position papers  
  3.1.- Graphene  
  3.3.- Nanophotonics and Nanophononics  
  3.4.- BioInspired Nanotechnologies  
  3.5.- Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (NEMS)  
  4.- Annex 2 - nanoICT groups & statistics  
  Annex 2.1 List of nanoICT registered groups  
  Annex 2.2 Statistics  
  5. Annex 3 - National & regional funding schemes study  
  Funding:   Coordination & Edition:
  Cordis   European Union  
Phantoms Foundation
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