John Campbell
Maynooth University
John’s background is in physics (BSc from UCD, MSc from TCD) with work experience in infrared photonics (Eblana Photonics LTD) and non-linear optics. He is a researcher in the behavior and fidelity of Quantum Networks which involves designing experiments and simulating EPR entangled states. Primarily focusing on how quantum networks display inherently chaotic behavior as the networks are increased in size and scaled from within a lab to a wider network across existing classical network infrastructure such as in optical fibers or free space communications. John is also investigating how established principles of network synchronization among nodes and signal repeater systems can be extended to quantum information theory in general and how disorder and noise affects recoverability of quantum information from transmitter to receiver. His public Github on Quantum Network Simulations using coupled oscillator models:
 Activity Area:
-Communication technologies - Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)
-Communication technologies - Quantum Repeaters
-Communication technologies - Quantum Teleportation
-Communication technologies - Quantum memories & internet
-Computing technologies - Superconducting circuits
-Computing technologies - Ultra-cold trapped atoms and ions
-Sensing & Metrology - NV centers
-Sensing & Metrology - Quantum Random Numbers Generator
-Sensing & Metrology - Wave particle Dualism
-Simulation and software developments - Quantum Annealing
-Simulation and software developments - Companies? software and interfaces
-Simulation and software developments - High performance computing interfacing
-Tensor Networks
Metrology in the field of single photon sensing along with data analysis using tensor networks for quantum state and process tomography in complex optical networks
Employment opportunities
An Internship, ideally working with tensor networks for data analysis and performing tensor-network assisted tomography of quantum measurements.
Developing polarization-entangled optics sources and using polarimetry to construct density matrices . Bridging the mathematics of network synchronization in classical networks to quantum networks.
Other request
Using my optics lab datasets I am developing and testing hybrid tensor-echo state networks using free software in python (quimb, networkx) and would like to compare to commercially available software.
providing quantum polarimetry datasets from non-linear optics sources along with techniques to produce more efficient, tensor-network assisted tomography of this data to construct density matrices and wigner functions.
 Participants: 52
 Meetings: 21

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