Javier Alarco
JME Ventures, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Jorge Alvarez
K-node, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Paula Álvarez
Eatable Adventures, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Pedro Álvarez
Ivoro Ventures, Spain
K-node Open Space: Casos de éxito de Venture Building con investigadores
Manuel Antich
CEMEX , Spain
K-node Open Space: Casos de éxito de la integración de nuevos materiales
Juan Arana
University of Sevilla, Spain
Round Table: Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Deep Science
José Miguel Atienza
Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Spain
K-node Open Space: Cátedras Universidad-Empresa como impulso a la innovación
Belen Barreiro
Eurofins-Ingenasa, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Veterinary degree from Complutense University. Her entire career in biotech companies, first in Zeltia and then Ingenasa, in which nowadays is acting as CEO. VP at “Diagnostic for Animals” (Association of veterinarian diagnostic kits manufacturers), and VP of ASEBIO (Spanish Association of Biotech Companies)
Ángeles Barrios
EIT Health Spain, Spain
Round Table: Public Procurement & Intellectual Property
Isaac Benito
CSIC / Aerofybers Technologies SL, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Doctor en ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos por la UPV (Valencia), aunque desarrollando toda la actividad científica en el IATA (CSIC). Fundador y CTO actualmente de Aerofybers technologies SL.
Francesco Bonaccorso
BeDimensional, Italy
Plenary Talk
Francesco Bonaccorso is the Scientific Director of BeDimensional SpA and Visiting Scientist at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. He gained the PhD from the University of Messina after working at the Italian National Research Council, the University of Cambridge and the University of Vanderbilt. In 2009 he was awarded a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship at Cambridge University, and a Fellowship at Hughes Hall, Cambridge, obtaining a MA. He was responsible in defining the ten years scientific and technological roadmap for the Graphene Flagship. He is now Deputy of the Innovation of the Flagship. He was featured as 2016 Emerging Investigator by J.Mater.Chem.A and in 2019 by ChemPlusChem. His research interests encompass both the fundamental understanding and solution processing of novel nanomaterials and their technological applications. He authored/co-authored more than 120 publications and 12 patents
Ruben Bonet
Fractus, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Alberto Calleja
Aerofybers Technologies SL, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Doctor en Química por la Universidad de Barcelona. Con más de 20 años de experiencia en I+D+i en el sector público y privado, ha fundado 3 empresas hasta la fecha, dos de ellas spin-offs del CSIC. Cuenta con 5 patentes y es coautor de más de 60 artículos en el campo de la Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales. Actualmente, es el CEO de AEROFYBERS TECHNOLOGIES SL y compagina esta actividad con la impresión 3D de materiales avanzados en LEITAT TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER.
Gabriel Campillo
UnLimited Spain, Spain
K-node Open Space: El papel fundamental de los ecosistemas de innovación en la generación de valor
Ana Caro
UAM, Spain
Round Table
Ana Castro
CSIC, Spain
Plenary Talk
Laura Chaparro
Press, Spain
K-node Open Space: Divulgación de la Ciencia, cómo favorecer la innovación a través de la Comunicación
Isabel Cortés
IPR Help Desk Pons Foundation, Spain
Round Table
Beatriz Crisóstomo
Iberdrola, Spain
K-node Open Space: Cátedras Universidad-Empresa como impulso a la innovación
Olga De la Rosa
Takeda, Spain
Focused Workshop
Alberto Diaz
BeAble Capital, Spain
Round Table: Venture Capital in Deep Science
Alberto has an extensive experience in national and international corporate operations – mainly within the Ibero-American and European geographical area – of company acquisition in their different types, private equity, venture capital and project finance. During his career he has advised various companies within a wide number of sectors, in various M&A operations, corporate restructurings as well as in the negotiation of partner agreements, joint ventures, distribution, integration, collaboration and development and promotion. He began his career in 2003 as an associate in the Department of Merge and Acquisitions of Cuatrecasas, joining the Commercial Department of Clifford Chance in a second stage, in it’s Madrid office.
Virgilio Diaz
Universidad Carlos III, Spain
Round Table
Diego Diaz Pilas
IBERDROLA Ventures - Perseo, Spain
Round Table
Manuel Diez
Origin Algae, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Diego Docavo
UAM Emprende, Spain
Round Table
Maysoun Douas
Startup Commission, Spain
Round Table: Public Procurement & Intellectual Property
Miguel Estruch
Viromii, Spain
K-node Open Space: El papel fundamental de los ecosistemas de innovación en la generación de valor
Unai Etxebarria
CEMEX, Spain
K-node Open Space: Casos de éxito de la integración de nuevos materiales
Alejandro Exposito
Merck Group, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias digitales aplicadas al ámbito de la Salud: presente y futuro
Enrique Eymar
UAM , Spain
K-node Open Space: Oportunidades de Colaboración Empresa-Investigación
Gonzalo Fernandez
MWCC, Spain
K-node Open Space
Aida Fernandez Gonzalez
OEPM, Spain
Plenary Talk: Public Research and the importance os Patents
Tiziana Fornari
UAM / CIAL, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Agustín Fuentes
Princeton University, USA
Focused Workshop: The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made Us Human
Prof. Fuentes is an anthropologist whose research focuses on the biosocial, delving into the entanglement of biological systems with the social and cultural lives of humans, our ancestors, and a few of the other animals with whom humanity shares close relations. From chasing monkeys in jungles and cities, to exploring the lives of our evolutionary ancestors, to examining human health, behavior, and diversity across the globe, Professor Fuentes is interested in both the big questions and the small details of what makes humans and our close relations tick. Earning his BA/BS in Anthropology and Zoology and his MA and PhD in Anthropology from UC Berkeley, he has conducted research across four continents, multiple species, and two-million years of human history. His current projects include exploring cooperation, creativity, and belief in human evolution, multispecies anthropologies, evolutionary theory and processes, and engaging race and racism. Fuentes is an active public scientist, a well-known blogger, lecturer, tweeter, and an explorer for National Geographic. Fuentes was recently awarded the Inaugural Communication & Outreach Award from the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, the President’s Award from the American Anthropological Association, and elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Gustavo Fuster
Hoffmann Eitle, Spain
Round Table: Public Procurement & Intellectual Property
He holds a Degree in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (1995-2001) and an MBA (Biotechnology) (2001-2002) (Aliter). He studied Law at the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED) from 2004 to 2012. He held the position of Business Development and Patents Manager at the biotechnology firm Genetrix Corp from 2002 to 2005 (gaining experience in the field of monoclonal antibodies and adult stem cell technology). He was Patents Manager at a Spanish patent attorney firm from 2005 to 2009. He was Director of the Technology Transfer Office of the Andalusian Public Healthcare System from 2009 to 2011 (practical experience in Spanish civil, administrative and commercial law, and in advanced therapies (stem cells and tissue engineering, nanotechnology and gene therapy)). He obtained the title of Spanish Industrial Property Attorney in 2007, the title of European Patent Attorney in 2008 and the CEIPI Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe in 2011. He joined HOFFMANN EITLE in 2011.
Mónica G. Salomone
CNIO, Spain
K-node Open Space
Jesus Angel Garcia
Indra, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Paz Garcia
GooDHAbits, Spain
K-node Open Space
Elena Garcia Garcia
SOUL Hi Hub, Spain
K-node Open Space
David García Nuñez
MWCC, Spain
K-node Open Space: Cátedras Universidad-Empresa como impulso a la innovación
María González
Tucuvi, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Javier Grávalos
Insight Gravity, Spain
K-node Open Space: Transferencia de tecnología para desarrollar proyectos empresariales
Fernando Herrero
Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Spain
Round Table
Pol Hortal
The Collider, Spain
K-node Open Space
Ernesto Igartua
CSIC, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Scientific Researcher. Cereal geneticist and barley breeder at the Aula Dei Experimental Station, CSIC, in Zaragoza, Spain. Doctor in Biology, University of the Basque Country. Postdoc periods at Kansas State University and McGill University. My group explores the genetic diversity of local varieties of barley, leading to the discovery of unique adaptation features of winter cereals to Mediterranean climates, which are being deployed to pre-breeding and breeding programs.
Ajay Kalanjana Monnappa
biosustain Labs, Spain
K-node Open Space
Pepa Limeres
Fundacion Botin, Spain
Focused Workshop
Belen Linares
Acciona Energy, Spain
Round Table: Acciona and Envision
Félix Antonio López
CENIM-CSIC / B-Circular, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Félix Antonio López se doctoró en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Valladolid. Fue profesor en el Dpto. de Geoquímica de dicha universidad y en 1987 se incorporó al CSIC. Desarrolla su labor científica en la obtención de metales críticos, economía circular y técnicas de recuperación energética. Figura como inventor en una veintena de patentes, una parte de las cuales están transferidas y/o con acuerdos de explotación a distintas empresas. En 2016 fundó la compañía B-Circular, una spin-off del CSIC.
Olga López
IQAC-CSIC / Bicosome, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Scientific Researcher at the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) of the CSIC. Leader of the Biophysics of Lipid and Interphases research group for the last 5 years. Scientific Deputy Director of the aforementioned institute since July 2021. She is the author of 126 scientific articles, 4 patents and director of 9 doctoral theses. She is also Co-founder of the technological start-up Bicosome.
David Lopez Garcia
BeAble Capital, Spain
Round Table
Santiago Lozano
Clave Capital, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Laura M. Lechuga
ICN2 / CSIC, Spain
Plenary Talk: Innovation in Point-of-care sensing technologies for the post-pandemic clinical diagnostics market
Prof. Laura M. Lechuga received her PhD in chemistry from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1992. From 2012 to 2015 she was an adjunct professor at the department of Physics and Technology at the Artic University of Norway (Tromsø, Norway). Since 2013 she has been a distinguished visiting professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Sciences of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil). She has been a fellow of the Optical Society since 2014.
Prof. Lechuga is the leader of the ICN2 Nanobiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group. The main focus of her group lies in the technological development of nanophotonic (nanoplasmonics and silicon-based) biosensors, their integration into portable lab-on-a-chip platforms and their application in clinical and environmental diagnostics.
She has published over 200 articles, book chapters and conference proceedings and delivered more than 350 invited presentations. She also has eight families of patents at the European, US and international levels. She was the driving force behind the founding of spin-off company SENSIA, SL in 2004 and the co-founder of BIOD, SL in 2010.
Javier Maira
CSIC, Spain
Focused Workshop: Public-private collaboration: the most successful cases of technology transfer at CSIC
Javier Maira
CSIC Open Space
Iván Manzanares
Centro de Apoyo a la Innovación y Transferencia de Conocimiento, Spain
K-node Open Space: Cátedras Universidad-Empresa como impulso a la innovación
Samuel Marín
Microsoft, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias digitales aplicadas al ámbito de la Salud: presente y futuro
Carlos Martínez
Plataforma Tecnológica Española de la Construcción, Spain
K-node Open Space: Casos de éxito de la integración de nuevos materiales
Juan Martinez
CSIC, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Juan Martínez
Delegación del CSIC en Andalucía y Extremadura, Spain
CSIC Open Space
Doctor en Química Industrial por la Universidad de Sevilla 1987.Examinador en la Oficina Europea de Patentes (Munich) entre 1988 y 1990. Desde 1991 hasta 2006, vinculado al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), en tareas relacionadas con la protección y la transferencia de conocimiento y la gestión de centros. Entre 2006 y 2008 contratado por la Fundación Progreso y Salud para la puesta en marcha de la Oficina de Transferencia de Tecnología del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía. Desde 2009, reincorporado al CSIC, siendo actualmente Jefe de Servicio de Transferencia de Tecnología.
Raúl Mata
IPinnovation, Spain
K-node Open Space: Transferencia de tecnología para desarrollar proyectos empresariales
Stephen Matlin
Life Length, Spain
Focused Workshop
Stephen Matlin is Chairman and CEO as well as a founding shareholder of Life Length, the world’s leader in the life science sector for telomere diagnostics and Spain’s only U.S. Federally certified “CLIA” and ISO 15189 accredited laboratory. He has led the Company since inception and assisted in establishing the company as the world leader in telomere measurements and diagnostics. He is an American entrepreneur, with a background in finance and strategy, who worked in investment banking and strategy consultancy for over twenty years. He received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Marta Miguel
CSIC-UAM / iLike Food Innovation S.L., Spain
CSIC Open Space
La Dra. Marta Miguel es investigadora científica en el Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación, centro mixto entre el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, co-fundadora de la spin-off iLike Food Innovation S.L., y coinventora de varias patentes y secretos industriales entre ellos, “Leggie”, un análogo cárnico 100% vegetal. Premio SIAL 2022 a producto innovador en la categoría “meat and fish alternatives” y premio Madrid Network de innovación a la mejor colaboración público-privada.
Laura Montoya
ABG IP, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Laura has been active in the field of the Intellectual Property since 2002. She has broad experience in providing legal advice relating to the protection of intangible assets (patents, utility models, designs, trade secrets, trademarks, copyright and new technologies). In particular, Laura advises on the drafting and negotiation of all types of agreements on intangible assets and intervenes in legal proceedings in matters of intellectual property and unfair competition. Laura Montoya has a Law Degree specialising in Community Law, from the Universidad San Pablo CEU and has a Master’s degree in Intellectual Property from Queen Mary University of London. Laura is a recurrent participant in the design and implementation of trade secret protection programs and protocols for companies in different sectors and industries. She also has experience as a litigator in disputes over trade secret violations.
Álvaro Morales
Instituto Salud Carlos III , Spain
K-node Open Space: Divulgación de la Ciencia, cómo favorecer la innovación a través de la Comunicación
Alberto Moratiel
ENISA, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Silvia Moreno
Mimic Seafood, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Luis Morró
TRL +, Spain
K-node Open Space: Transferencia de tecnología para desarrollar proyectos empresariales
Miguel Munoz Padellano
Kadans Spain, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Felix Muñoz
UAM, Spain
Round Table
Luis Navarte
UPM, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Lourdes Nuñez
PTS de Granada, Spain
K-node Open Space: Oportunidades de Colaboración Empresa-Investigación
Enrique Olarte
Focused Workshop
Itziar Ortega
Food Innovation Hub, Spain
K-node Open Space: El papel fundamental de los ecosistemas de innovación en la generación de valor
Youness Ouahid
Canaan Research & Investment, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Miguel Ángel París
Acciona, Spain
K-node Open Space: Cátedras Universidad-Empresa como impulso a la innovación
Ramon Pérez-Goicoechea
Aon, Spain
K-node Open Space
Jose Antonio Plaza
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain
K-node Open Space
Clara Pombo
ClarkeModet, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Professional experience of more than 18 years in the area of Intellectual Property. International experience and an entrepreneurial spirit. Her basic skills include: portfolio strategy, internationalisation and litigation management in Latin America and Spain, conflict resolution, negotiations and business opportunities. Volunteer work and charitable causes: MIT Enterprise Forum Spain: committed to promoting groundbreaking innovation and supporting the internationalisation of innovative ideas and projects. Support the development of the business ecosystem. Law degree from Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Business and Trade Law from Fordham University, New York (US) MBA from the Sloan School of Business, MIT (US) President of MIT Enterprise Forum Spain
Sara Quintanilla
Plantycity, Spain
K-node Open Space
Frederic Ratel
ABG IP, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Frédéric joined ABG in 2022. He is a patent adviser in the Chemistry & Materials & Pharma departments. His practice focuses on patent applications drafting and prosecution, and opinion work. He is a qualified European Patent Attorney (EQE, 2021). Before joining ABG, Frédéric worked for 2 years on a medicinal chemistry project, within the framework of a collaboration between Esteve and the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ). Right after that, he held the position of industrial property manager at ICIQ for 11 years, where he was in charge of managing the ICIQ patent portfolio. He also managed the valorisation and transfer of the related technologies to existing or newly created companies. This position led him to work for various sectors, such as health, energy (green hydrogen), sustainability (catalysis and recovery of CO2) and materials (products derived from biomass). Frédéric did his PhD at the Institute of Chemical Research of (ICIQ) (2004-2008), where he developed a supramolecular approach to organometallic catalysis.
Valerio Rocco
UAM, Spain
Round Table: Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Deep Science
Pilar Roch
ideas4all Innovation, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Ismael Rodrigo
CDTI, Spain
Round Table: Venture Capital in Deep Science
Juan Antonio Ruiz Fuentes
Nadetech Innovations, Spain
Focused Workshop
Sandra Saiz
Inndromeda, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Oscar Sala
Fundación Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Spain
K-node Open Space: Transferencia de tecnología para desarrollar proyectos empresariales
Macarena Sanz
IDConsortium, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias y oportunidades en el sector agroalimentario
Alberto Silleras de Antonio
Tecnalia, Spain
Round Table
Susana Torrente
USC, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society
Almudena Trigo
BeAble Capital, Spain
Round Table: Venture Capital in Deep Science
Almudena Trigo graduated from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) with a Telecommunications Engineering degree and a PhD in Molecular Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She also has a master in DPP. She developed her scientific career in two of the most internationally renowned Spanish research centers in Spain the National Center for Oncological Research (CNIO) and the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB) which belongs to the largest Spanish research organization and third in Europe, the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC). Among the research works of Almudena, the use of synthetic biology (science that combines the bases of electronics and engineering for the realization of biological circuits with genetic material) was pioneering in Spain during those years.
Javier Vera
OEPM, Spain
Focused Workshop
Javier Vera Roa, Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO). Graduated in aeronautical engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After a career in the aeronautical industry, he joined the SPTO in 1995 as a patent examiner occupying various positions including Director of the Patent Department. Now he is technical advisor of the Support Unit to SPTO Director. He has participated in expert working groups, been a tutor and panelist on IP issues in Spain and abroad, particularly Latin America and represented the OEPM on PCT and EPC matters in several European and international IP forums. By the way, he is currently a member of the Boards of Appeal Committee of the European Patent Organization. In addition, he has participated in advising several international Patent Offices highlighting: two EU twinning projects (Ukraine and recently Egypt Patent Office as Project Leader) and Turkish Patent Office to become a PCT International Authority
Luis Ignacio Vicente del Olmo
PONS IP, Spain
Focused Workshop: Beyond technology transfer: A practical vision about Intellectual Property along the innovation cycle
Blanca Vila
OEPM, Spain
Focused Workshop
Blanca Vila Riudavets, Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO). She is Head of the Search and Documentation Area at the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.Master degree in Pharmacy at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, she joined the SPTO as a Patent Examiner in the chemical field. She has been carrying out different technological information services such as searches, search reports and tech-watch bulletins. She is very active on promoting the use of patent information and has taken part in many conferences, seminars and teaching events related to IP as a speaker.
Luis Villarrubia
UAM Emprende, Spain
K-node Open Space: Tendencias digitales aplicadas al ámbito de la Salud: presente y futuro
Rafael Yuste
Columbia University, USA
Plenary Talk
Rafael Yuste is a Professor of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience, CoDirector of the Kavli Institute of Brain Science and Director of the NeuroTechnology Center (NTC) at Columbia University. He has scientific expertise in the fields of the anatomy, physiology, and computation in cortical microcircuits with an extensive track record in the development of optical methods for neuroscience, including calcium imaging of neural circuits, twophoton imaging and manipulation of neuronal activity, with patented inventions such as optochemical compounds and holographic microscopy. He led the group of researchers that first proposed the BRAIN initiative and is currently a member of the NIH BRAIN workgroup.
Amaia Zabaleta
Repsol, Spain
Round Table: Impact of Deep Science in Industry and Society