Spanish Molecular Electronics Symposiumj Spanish Molecular Electronics Symposiumj
February 26, 2008
 Donostia International Physics Center. San Sebastian (Spain)
Organised by:
Phantoms Foundation
Donostia International Physics Center
Donostia International Physics Center

Nanoelectronics represent a strategic technology considering the wide range of possible applications. These include telecommunications, automotive, multimedia, consumer goods and medical systems.
In the semiconductor industry, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology will certainly continue to have a predominant market position in the future. However, there are still a number of technological challenges, which have to be tackled if CMOS downscaling should be pursued until feature sizes will reach 10 nm around the year 2015-2020.
This miniaturisation will offer opportunities for alternative nanodevices (bio-molecular-based technologies and nanomechanics) to be incorporated into CMOS platforms providing an increasing diversification of functions.

The EC policies aiming at maintaining Europe at the forefront of the Information Society, through investment in the future key domains or aiming at optimising the development and diffusion of emerging technologies are clearly within the scope of the recently launched nanoICT Coordination Action (CA).

High-level dissemination activities within nanoICT CA will help to establish a critical mass of R&D at a European level and to stimulate development of an interdisciplinary community of researchers.
This 1st nanoICT Symposium will be organised by the following Institutions: PHANTOMS Foundation and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) and in collaboration with the nanoICT EU funded project (Coordination Action). It will take place at the DIPC located at the Basque Country University campus, in San Sebastian (Spain).

  • Antonio Correia (Fundacion Phantoms)
  • Daniel Sanchez Portal (DIPC / CSIC / UPV-EHU)
Contact Person:

Dr. Antonio Correia
Fundacion PHANTOMS
PCM - Pabellón C - 1º Planta
Ctra. Colmenar Viejo Km 15
Campus de Cantoblanco-UAM, 28049 Madrid
Fax: +34 91 497 3471

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