Transport of electrons and photons through nanoscale sized systems  
November 18-20, 2010
Eurostar Diana Palace Hotel. Palencia (Spain)
Organised by:
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Phantoms Foundation

Transport of electrons and photons through nanoscale sized systems

Nanotecnology relies on the capacity of synthesizing, fabricating, integrating and handling  different nanoobjects and nanostructures to construct novel materials and devices with useful properties. The usefulness of such devices will depend on the ability to control the propagation of electron current and light through them. This workshop will gather experts in electron and photonic transport in nanostructures in order to share theroetical models, methodologies and computational approaches in the field of nanoelectronics and nanophotonics.

Organising Committee:
  • Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas (ICMM-CSIC)
  • Juan Jose Saenz (UAM)
  • Antonio Correia (Fundacion Phantoms)
  • Pedro Garcia-Mochales (UAM)
  • Pedro A. Serena (ICMM-CSIC)
Technical Committee:
  • Jose Luis Roldan (Fundacion Phantoms)
  • Samuel Pelaez (ICMM-CSIC)
  • Carlos Roldan (UAM)
This workshop is funded by the projects:

FIS2009-13430 / MICINN
Microseres / CAM
Nanomagma / UE

Special acknowledgments to Palencia Tourist Office
Contact Person:

Dr. Antonio Correia
Fundacion Phantoms
Calle Alfonso Gomez 17
Planta 2 - Loft 16
28037 Madrid (Spain)