Molecular Imaging Molecular Imaging Integrated Project (EU)
June 07-08, 2007
Universidad SEK (Segovia, Spain)
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Organised by:
Phantoms Foundation
Molecular Imaging

The 3rd Molecular Imaging Internal Meeting (MIIM3) will be held in Segovia (UNESCO World Heritage City) at the "Monasterio de Santa Cruz la Real ", on the SEK University Campus.

The goal of the Molecular Imaging Integrated Project is to generate and apply novel advanced technology for non-invasive imaging of biomolecular function in living systems ranging from single cells to whole animals. Main areas for technological innovation are:

  • Generation of new biosensors enabling novel ways of functional contrast

  • Improving resolution of microscopic and tomographic imaging systems, and

  • Creating new multimodal imaging setups combining different contrast modes.

It is expected that this combined effort will provide spectacular new opportunities for phenotyping functional (molecular) analysis in cells and animal models. To achieve this goal we bring together a unique consortium of leading research groups in Europe combining:

  • Engineers, experimental and theoretical physicists (who design new and improved, tomographic and microscopic imaging devices for in vivo-imaging)

  • Bioorganic chemists and molecular biologists (for the design of new chemical and genetic encoded molecular probes and biosensors

  • Biologists examining fundamental questions at the cell, organ and whole animal level (thereby providing the above research the appropriate and relevant goals for the technological innovation)

The management structure of the project provides for continuous interactions and flow of information among the various participants, groups and subgroups involved in each workpackage. High quality training is guaranteed by the exchange of young researchers among the expert participants and by summer and other schools. Inclusion and interactions with companies active in this field are among the several means of exploitation of the expected RTD and innovation results.

Organising Committee:
  • Antonio Correia (Fundacion Phantoms, Spain)
  • Concepcion Narros Hernandez (Universidad SEK, Spain)
  • Juan Jose Saenz (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
Technical Organising Committee:
  • Silvia Albaladejo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
  • Jose Luis Roldan (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)
  • Enrique Sahagun (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
  • Soraya Serrano (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)

This event is organised within the Molecular Imaging EU funded project:
Molecular Imaging Integrated Project (EU)

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