E-Nano Newsletter nº 02 (Pdf format)
E-Nano Newsletter (Issue 02) |
Publishing Date: 2005-10-15 |
Welcome to the second issue of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:
- "Charge Transport in DNA" by S. Roche(1), F. Triozon(1) and E. Macia(2) / (1): CEA/DSM/DRFMC/SPSMS, France (2): Dpto. Física de Materiales, Fac. CC. Físicas, UCM, Spain
- "CNTs Attached to AFM Microcantilevers and STM Tips " by A. Raman and R. Reifenberger (Purdue University, France)
Pico-Inside Integrated Project:
- "Hybrid and Mono-molecular Electronics " by C. Joachim (CEMES/CNRS, France)
- Pico-Inside partners (research activities)
- Selected Research Highlights at the "Biotechnical Microsystems Dpt. (IPHT), Jena, Germany"