Foundation purpose & Activities
The Phantoms Foundation (non-profit organisation) was established on November 26, 2002 (in Madrid, Spain) in order to provide high level Management profile to National and European scientific projects such as AtMol (ICT/FP7 Integrated Project), EUPHONON (Building a European NanoPhononics Community – ICT/FP7 Coordination Action) or NanoSpain (Spanish Nanotechnology Network).

The Phantoms Foundation is a Professional Conference Organiser specialised in the planning and execution of conferences and online meetings focused on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology and in particular “Graphene and 2DM”. The Foundation is a key actor in structuring and fostering European Excellence and enhancing collaborations in this field. Our goals are i) to provide an innovative platform for dissemination, transfer and transformation of basic nanoscience knowledge; and ii) to strengthen interdisciplinary research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and catalyse collaboration among international research groups and favour the emergence of new joint project proposals.

The Phantoms Foundation has been also working in close collaboration with Spanish and European Governmental Institutions such as FECyT (Spanish Foundation for Science & Technology), ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade) or the European Commission to provide focused reports on Nanotechnology related research areas (infrastructure needs, emerging research, etc.).
  Current projects and activities:

  • - The Phantoms Foundation received in 2013 the official recognition as Lead Collaborator of ICEX, Spain Export and Investment to coordinate the Spanish Nanotechnology Plan funded by ICEX and to bring to international exhibitions and conferences “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Spanish Pavilions”.
  • - Coordinator of the Spanish Nanotechnology Network "NanoSpain" (377 groups).
  • - Organisation of high-level scientific conferences/workshops on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: "Trends in Nanotechnology" International Conference (TNT2023), QUANTUMatter2023Graphene2023nanoBioMed2023 and events co-organised with the European Commission or ICEX.
    - Organiser of online professional meeting such as Biosensors for Pandemics 2021 or the Graphene Industrial Forum (GIF2021)..
  • - Publication of a printed Newsletter on Nanotechnology (E-Nano) aiming at promoting European Nanotechnology results and enhancing collaborations between groups.
  • - Publication of focused reports on specific areas of interest for the Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Community (prepared in collaboration with the European Commission or Spanish Governmental Institutions). These reports provide focus and accelerate progress in identified R&D directions for the EC programs, guide public research institutions keeping Europe at the forefront in research and also provide a valid source of guidance for governmental Institutions.
  • - Development of a multidisplinary WEB site providing information on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (N&N). Such initiative allows to strengthen excellence, allow research for the advancement of knowledge and its industrial application; and increase the impact of Nanotechnology worldwide.

  Former projects:
  • - Coordinator of the dissemination activities within the Coordination Action EUPHONON (FP7-ICT): Building a European Nanophononics Community.
  • - Coordinator of the dissemination activities within the Integrated Project AtMol (ICT-FET): Atomic Scale and single Molecule Logic gate Technologies.
  • - Partner within the COST Project TD1003 BioInspired: Bio-inspired nanotechnologies: from concepts to applications.
  • - Coordinator of the dissemination activities within the Integrated Project NaPa (FP6-NMP): Emerging Nanopatterning Methods
  • - Coordinator of the dissemination activities within the Integrated Project Pico-Inside (FP6-IST/FET): Computing Inside a Single Molecule
  • - Coordinator of the FP7-ICT/FET nanoICT Coordination Action: Nano-scale ICT Devices and Systems
  • - Coordinator of the dissemination activities within the Project NANOMAGMA (FP7-NMP): NANOstructured active MAGneto-plasmonic MAterials
  • - Partner within the Project NANOCODE (FP7-NMP): Implementing the European Commission Code of Conduct for Responsible Nanotechnologies
    - Coordinator of the Modeling for Nanotechnology "M4nano" Initiative.
The founders of this non-profit Association are Dr. Antonio Correia and Prof. Clivia Sotomayor Torres.

© Phantoms Foundation 2024