E-Nano Newsletter nº 04 (Pdf format)
E-Nano Newsletter (Issue 04) |
Publishing Date: 2006-05-01 |
Welcome to the issue nº04 of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:
- "Equation of State of Ultra-Narrow Nanowires: A Benchmarh for the
Embedded Atom" by Samuel Pelaez and Pedro A. Serena: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Research / Training:
- "AFM Characterization of Small Metallic Nanoparticles" by I. Carabias, J. de la Venta, A. Quesada, M.A. Garcia, L. Kolodziejczyk, J. M. de la Fuente, S. Penades,
A. Fernández, P. Crespo and A. Hernando: Spain
Pico-Inside Integrated Project:
- "Chemistry Towards Intramolecular Computing" by Pico-Inside partners