Welcome to the Special Issue No. 20/21of the "E-Nano Newsletter" that three-monthly provides scientific articles, reports and updated information on Nanotechnology and more specifically Emerging Nanoelectronics. The following contributions will be available:
nanoICT research:
- "Carbon Nanotubes.", by W. I. Milne et al.
- "European Research Roadmap for Nanoelectronics.", by F. Balestra.
- Report nanoICT Graphene and Nanotubes Session - TNT2010, by S. Roche.
- Phonons and Fluctuations Meeting, by J. Ahopelto.
- International Summer School Son et Lumi�re, by C. M. Sotomayor Torres.
This issue also contains a catalogue (insert), compiled by the Phantoms Foundation providing a general overview of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology companies in Spain and in particular the importance of this market research, product development, etc.