The central information point of the Phantoms Foundation is its implemented website (,
a crucial source of information related to the nanotechnology field, receiving around 10.000 visits a month. Other Phantoms Foundation dissemination channels include: E-Nano Newsletter (three monthly printed magazine), distributed:
- Among 1000 European Research groups.
- In International events (Nanotech Japan, Taiwan Nano, Rusnanotech, ImagineNano, TNT Trends in Nanotechnology, Nanospain, Graphene)
- Free WEB-based pdf version to download.
Download Advertising Rates |
We offer you the opportunity to include an advertisement of your
company in the Phantoms Foundation related dissemination channels to promote your products in the
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology community.
Currently, 5 companies/institutions are using the Phantoms Foundation distribution channels to advertise their products/activities: nanotech Japan, FEI Company, Raith GmbH, Dayfisa and American Elements.
Please find below the advertising opportunities to target readers
of the E-Nano Newsletter published by the Foundation.
Option 1: Featured Company
Your Company Logo Banner on the Phantoms Foundation homepage: 1000 Euros. This option also includes:
Option 2: Featured Company Plus
This option is similar to option 1 but includes 4 one page full colour adverts in the E-Nano Newsletter (4 printed issues): 1500 Euros
Option 3: Company banner
Your Company Logo Banner on the Phantoms Foundation homepage: 600 Euros..
This option includes a quarter web page description of the company (products, contact details, news, press releases, etc.)..
Option 4: E-Nano Newsletter - 1 page advert full colour*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1 page ad / 4 issues: 700 Euros
1 page ad / 2 issues: 500 Euros
1 page ad / 1 issue: 400 Euros
Option 5: E-Nano Newsletter - 1/2 page advert full colour*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1/2 page ad / 4 issues: 600 Euros
1/2 page ad / 2 issues: 400 Euros
1/2 page ad / 1 issue: 300 Euros
Option 6: E-Nano Newsletter - 1/4 page advert full colour*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1/4 page ad / 4 issues: 500 Euros
1/4 page ad / 2 issues: 300 Euros
1/4 page ad / 1 issue: 200 Euros
Option 7: E-Nano Newsletter - Spotlight*
Your Company advert in the E-Nano Newsletter:
1/4 page ad / 4 issues: 300 Euros
1/4 page ad / 2 issues: 150 Euros
1/4 page ad / 1 issue: 100 Euros
*Adverts in Black and White: 15% discount
Full page |
Half Horizontal |
Half Vertical |
Quarter |
Spotlight |
216 x 154 mm |
113 x 80 mm |
54 x 168 mm |
113 x 42 mm |
Ask for details |
- Adverts must be supplied by advertisers..
- Submission requirements: electronic image files (jpeg, gif, tif, bmp, png).
- Minimum 300 dpi.
- Rates do not include VAT (21%)
- E-Nano Newsletter advert: Inside pages.
- Advertsin Black&White15% discountapplies..
- Specified positions (including inside front page, inside back cover and back page of the E-Nano Newsletter), please add 20% to the advertisement rates..
For more details on advertising, please contact us by E-mail.