Invited Speakers

Gaspar Armelles (IMM-CSIC, Spain)
"Magnetoplasmonics: combining magnetic and plasmonic functionalities"
Zeno Gaburro (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA)
"Molding light propagation with phase discontinuities"

Francisco J. Garcia Vidal (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
"Graphene Nanophotonics"
Michael Giersig (Freie Universitat berlin, Germany)
"Electromagnetic waves interaction with various metallic nanomaterials"

Rainer Hillenbrand (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain)
"Infrared Nanospectroscopy - From Nanoscale Chemical Identification of Polymersto Real-space Imaging of Graphene Plasmons"

Frank Koppens (ICFO, Spain)
"Graphene nano-optoelectronics for capturing and manipulating light at the nanoscale"

Luis M. Liz-Marzan (CIC-biomaGUNE, Spain)
"Colloidal Plasmonic Nanostructures"

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