Last Updated 26 February, 2004
to Agelonde
The meeting will take place at the resort Agelonde
located in the village La
Londe from june 13 to june 16 2004.
Londe, located on coastal route N98 between Hyeres (10km.)
and Le Lavandou (12km.), is at the border of the Maures Mountains
and faces out onto the lles d'Or (Golden Islands). This exceptional
site makes it the ideal place for tourism and sports both in the
summer and off season.
There is an easy access by air (Hyères, Marseille or Nice
airports) and by train (Hyères and Toulon railway train stations).

Transportation by bus or taxi are available from Hyères airport
and from Toulon and Hyères railway train stations to Agelonde
(30 min. from Toulon and 15 min. from Hyères).
If you are planning to travel by car,
please use the following link to prepare your trip:
