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3rd Molecular Imaging Internal Meeting- MIIM2007 - Posters
Udo Birk (Kirchhoff Institut für Physik, Germany) |
The Vertico-SMI – Analysing Nuclear Nanostructures In-Vivo |
Luis Blanco (ICMM-CSIC, Spain) |
Resonant photonic forces induced by light transmitted through nanoapertures |
Remi Carminati (Ecole Centrale Paris-CNRS, France) |
Statistical Properties of Single Molecule Fluorescence in Disordered Media |
Amanda Cobos Correa (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany) |
FRET probes to monitor the activity of lung-damaging proteinases in cystic fibrosis |
Andrea Erlbruch (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany) |
Live cell imaging of annexin translocation induced by microneedle puncture and laser nanosurgery |
Niels Galjart (Erasmus MC - Cell Biology, Netherlands) |
Keeping in Shape with Cytoplasmic Linker Proteins> |
Arunima Ganguli (Perkin Elmer, United Kingdom) |
Photoswitching and vesicle tracking applications using the spinning disk live cell imaging system |
Jonathan Hares (Kentech Instruments Ltd, United Kingdom) |
Developments in High Speed Imaging devices suitable for real time FLIM and similar applications |
Romain Pierrat (Ecole Centrale Paris-CNRS, France) |
Influence of scattering anisotropy on dynamic diffuse reflection light |
José Rino (Instituto de Medicina Molecular) |
Real Time Microscopy of mRNA Splicing |
Enrique Sahagun (Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Spain) |
Use of Hydrophobicity as Contrast Source in Atomic Force Microscopy |
Jens Stein (University of Bern, Switzerland) |
In vivo analysis of lymphocyte trafficking using multiphoton microscopy and optical
projection tomography |
Pontus Svenmarker (Lund University, Sweden) |
Multispectral prereconstruction information enhancing fluorescence molecular tomography