The nanoICT Coordination Action activities will reinforce and support
the whole European Research Community in "ICT nanoscale devices"
covering the following research areas expected to demonstrate
unconventional solutions beyond the expected limits of CMOS technology:
1. Demonstration of new concepts for switches or memory cells
2. Demonstration of new concepts, technologies and architectures for
local and chip level interconnects with substantial improvements over
current solutions
3. Demonstration of radically new functionalities by the integration
of blocks from a few nanometres down to the atomic scale into high
added-value systems
The CA action plans will go beyond the organisation of conferences,
workshops, exchange of personnel, WEB site, etc. developing the
following activities:
1. Consolidation and visibility of the research community in ICT
nanoscale devices
2. Mapping and benchmarking of research at European level, and its
comparison with other continents
3. Identification of drivers and measures to assess research in ICT
nanoscale devices, and to assess the potential of results to be taken
up in industrial research
4. Coordination of research agendas and development of research roadmaps
5. Coordination of national or regional research programmes or
activities, with the aim to involve funding authorities in building
the ERA around this topic
6. Development of strategies for international cooperation on themes
related to NanoICT
Expected impact will be the enhanced visibility, shaping and
consolidation of the NanoICT research community in Europe.