7 Working Groups (WG) are currently defined, each of them dealing with research areas of interest for the FET/NanoICT proactive initiative: a "global vision" one and 6 more focused.
1. WG1 - Alternative Electronics from a global point of view: WG
coordinated by Robert Baptist/Jean Philippe Bourgoin (CEA, France) More info |
2. WG2 - NEMS: WG coordinated by Juergen Brugger (EPFL, Switzerland) More info |
3. WG3 - Carbon Nanotubes (CNT): WG coordinated by Bill Milne (Cambridge Univ., UK) More info |
4. WG4 - Semiconductor Nanowires (NW): WG coordinated by Lars Samuelson (Lund University, Sweden) More info |
5. WG5 - Theory and Modelling: WG coordinated by Massimo Macucci (IU.NET, Italy) More info |
6. WG6 - Mono-Molecular Electronics (M2e): WG coordinated by Christian Joachim (CNRS-CEMES, France) More info |
7. WG7 - Spintronics: WG coordinated by Claude Chappert (CNRS-ORSAY, France) More info |
8. WG8 - Nanophononics: WG coordinated by Jouni Ahopelto (VTT, Finland) More info |
9. WG9 - Nanophotonics: WG coordinated by Clivia Sotomayor Torres (CIN2, Spain) More info |
10. WG10 - Graphene (GN): WG coordinated by Stephan Roche (CEA, FR and CIN2(CSIC-ICN), ESP) More info |
11. WG11 - BioICT: WG coordinated by Jean-Pierre Aimé (Université Bordeaux 1 & Cnano GSO, France) More info |
The mission of these working groups will be to enhance the communication among the "NanoICT" community in general and the EU ICT/FET related initiative funded projects in particular to: |
1. Structure "NanoICT" R&D sub-communities |
2. Exchange information on current work and state of the art of "nano-scale ICT devices and systems" |
3. Investigate opportunities that promote collaborations among CA members, NanoICT funded projects and Working Group participants in particular |
4. Look for areas of common ground between different technologies |
5. Stimulate the emergence of ides for new long-term and visionary ICT-related research areas |
And therefore give contributions to position papers and focused nanoICT CA reports (research agendas and roadmaps) to assess Europe's research position and potential in particular for the preparation of future FP7 calls and FP8. |