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TNT 2004 "Trends in Nanotechnology" |
26 Enero, 2007e format:Sw1 -->16 May, 2005
| Segovia, Spain | From 2004-09-13 to 2004-09-17 |
- Masakasu Aono (Nanomaterials Laboratory,
National Institute for Materials Science, Japan)
local polymerization and depolymerization reversibly using a scanning probe"
- Jean-Philippe Bourgoin (CEA/Saclay, France)
carbon nanotube devices"
- Juergen Brugger (EPFL,
“Ties between microsystem technology
and nano-engineering”
- Enrique Calleja (UPM, Spain)
"Nanocavities and nanoemitters with AlN/GaN Bragg reflectors grown by MBE in Nanocapillar arrays"
- Federico Capasso (Harvard University, USA)
"Harnessing vacuum fluctuations: physics and nanomechanics applications of Casimir-Lifshitz forces"
- Hai-Ping Cheng (University of Florida, USA)
"Coherent electron transport through a molecular nano-junction: A light-driven molecular switch"
- Mei-Yin Chou (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
"Quantum size effects in nanostructures: Thin metal films and semiconductor nanowires"
- Ken Dean (Motorola, USA)
"Interoperability in hybrid systems"
- Georg S. Düsberg (Infineon Technologies AG, Germany)
"Controlled Growth of Carbon Nanotubes for Applications in Microelectronics"
- Andreas Engel (University
of Basel, Switzerland)
native membranes with the atomic force microscope"
- Albert Fert (CNRS/THALES,
"New directions in spintronics"
- F. Javier Garcia de Abajo (CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain)
"Probing local optical properties using fast electrons"
- Peter Gruetter (McGill University, Canada)
Contact to Nanostructures by SPM"
- L. Jay Guo (University of Michigan, USA )
"Nanoimprint technology: recent progress and applications"
- Tomihiro Hashizume (Hitachi
Advanced Research Lab., Japan)
"Conductance of organic nanowires using two-/four-probe
fine electrodes fabricated by SPM nanofabrication"
- Anwar Hasmy (IVIC, Venezuela)
"Ballistic resistivity in Al nanocontacts"
- Andy Henson (International Office of the National Physical Laboratory, UK)
""Is international collaboration in nanotechnology standards
a luxury or a
- Christian Joachim (CEMES/CNRS, France)
atomic scale interconnects with a molecular device"
- Krishna Kalyanasundara (Motorola, USA)
"Nanotechnology standards along the product life cycle"
- Phil Kuekes (Hewlett-Packard, USA)
architectures for molecular electronics"
- Young Kuk (Seoul National University, Korea)
"One-dimensional wires and their interconnections"
- Gerhard Meyer (IBM, Swtzerland)
"Metal atoms on ultrathin insulating films: Controlling the charge state of individual gold atoms"
- Mervyn Miles (University of Bristol, UK)
"New SPM developments for characterization and creation of nanostrcutures"
- Eiichi Nakamura (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
"Synthetic chemistry: The gateway to nanoscience"
- Roberto Otero (iNANO, Denmark)
studies of hydrogen-bonded DNA base aggregates"
- Danny Porath (Hebrew University, Israel)
"SPM and charge transport measurement through DNA molecules of complex sequence"
- Edward Rashba (IEEE, USA)
"Introduction to nanotechnology standards"
- Mathis Riehle ( University of Glasgow, UK)
- Stephan Roche (CEA-DRFMC,
"Electronic transport phenomena in carbon-nanotube and DNA-based devices"
- Frank Scheffold (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
"Phoytonic liquids: Transport of light in strongly correlated particle assemblies"
- Ivan K. Schuller (UCSD,
"Magnetism in confined structures"
- Alexander Shluger (University College London, UK)
"Measuring the force of individual surface ions"
- Robert Shull (NIST, USA)
Materials metrology in nanotechnology "
- Clivia Sotomayor (NMRC, Ireland)
"The potential impact of confined acoustic phonons in SOI-based nanoelectronics "
- Joachim P. Spatz (University of Heidelberg , Germany)
"Biophysical models of cell adhesion and mechanics applying nano- and microstructured materials and tools"
- Erio Tossati (SISSA, Italy)
"Liquid nanodroplets that do not wet their own solid: contrasting NaCl against metals"
- Masaru Tsukada (Waseda University, Japan)
" Theory of Quantum Transport of nano-structures "
- Jonathan Tucker (Keithley Instruments, USA)
"A Perspective On The Need for Electrical
Measurement Instrumentation, Methodologies, and Metrology Standards for
- Daniel Ugarte (Lab. Nacional
de la Luz Síncrotron, Brazil)
"Quantum conductance properties of atomic-size metal wires"
- Patrick Van Hove (European Commission - IST/FET, Belgium)
"Nanotechnologies for information processing"
- Mark Welland (Cambridge
University-IRC, UK)
"Vapour phase growth of silicon carbide based nanostructures"
- Stuart Wolf (DARPA, USA)
beyond CMOS: Spin and Quantum Devices"
- Noboru Yamazaki (Nanotechnology Research
Institute (NRI)/AIST, Japan)
"Biomedical nanotechnology for the development of active targeting DDS"
- Constantine Yannouleas (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
and properties of electron crystallites in semiconductor quantum
- Hiroshi Yokoyama (AIST,
" Precision-Controlled Scanning Probe Anodic Oxidation: A Versatile Nano-Prototyping Platform "
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- Ramon Aguado (ICMM-CSIC, Spain)
"Shot noise spectrum of charge qubits realized in nanodevices"
- Mónica Alonso Cotta (UNICAMP, IFGW, Brazil)
distribution and shape stability in InAs nanostructures"
- Jorge I. Cerdá ( ICMM-CSIC, Spain)
"Novel two-dimensional water structures on Pd(111) studied by STM: Experiment and theory"
- Aranzazu del Campo (Università degli Studi di Urbino, Urbino, Italy)
"Hierarchical chemical patterning of planar surfaces through wavelenth-selective activation of orthogonal photolabile silanes"
- Maya Doytcheva (Philips Research laboratories, Netherlands)
"Carbon nanotubes as electron sources in electron microscopes"
- J. F. Fernandez (ICV-CSIC, Spain)
"Nanostructure and magnetic properties of Mn doped ZnO, a RT magnetic semiconductor?"
- Josep Fontcuberta (ICMAB-CSIC, Spain)
in complex oxide thin films. from 2D to 0D nanostructures of
SrRuO3 and CoCr2O4"
- Douglas S. Galvão (Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
"Packing C60 in carbon nanotubes: an atomistic molecular dynamics study"
- Hsi-Sheng Goan (University of New South Wales, Australia)
"Analysis of a scheme to observe quantum jumps of phonon transitions in a nanomechanical oscillator"
- Zeger Hens (Gent University, Belgium)
"Electrodeposited PbSe nanocrystals: synthesis, electrical and optical properties"
- Antonio Hernando (Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado (RENFE-UCM-CSIC), Spain)
"Tuning the magnetic properties of gold nanoparticles"
- Regina Hoffmann (niversity of Basel, Switzerland)
"Sublattice identification by non-contact afm on the (001) surface of a rocksalt-type crystal"
- Jurrian Huskens (Twente University, Netherlands)
"Soft and probe lithography without ink transfer"
- Olle Inganäs (IFM, Sweden)
"Wiring conjugated olymers and biomacromolecules"
- Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
"Electron-Hole Symmetry in a Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot"
- Benjamin Lassagne (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Pulses, France)
"Magneto-transport in double wall carbon nanotubes: New Phenomena under 60T"
- Nuria Lopez (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain)
"When Langmuir is too simple: H2 dissociation on pd(111) at high coverage"
- Anton Malko (EPFL, Switzerland)
"Single photon emitters based on InGaAs/AlGaAs nanostructured grown in the inverted pyramids"
- Jose Angel Martin-Gago (ICMM-CSIC, Spain)
"Peptide nucleic acids can form ordered self-assembled monolayers on surfaces with DNA recognition capability"
- Jose Luis Menendez (Instituto Nacional del Carbon (INCAR), Spain)
"Dimensionality effects and domain wall propagation on perpendicularly exchange biased wires"
- Marco Pala (University of Pisa, Italy)
"Modelling ballistic magnetoconductance and magnetic focusing in SiGe cavities"
- Luc Piraux (University of Louvain, Belgium)
"New routes for producing nanowires and nanotubes and their physical properties"
- Marta Prada (University of Leeds, UK)
"Tight-binding approach to the solution of N>2 quantum dot Network: A detailed study of the nuclear spin relaxation for memory-storage devices"
- Ganesh K. Ramachandran (NIST, USA)
transport in conjugated organic molecules: Carotene dithiols"
- Inma Ratera (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
"Mechanical and charge transport properties of self assembled organic monolayers"
- Christian K. Riener (University College London, UK)
"Dynamic force spectroscopy of single molecule ligand-receptor interactions at high loading rates"
- Aarnoud Roest (Philips Research Laboratories, The Netherlands)
"Making a technology work:
from nanowire science to a real device"
- Riccardo Rurali (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
"On the properties of surface reconstructed silicon nanowires"
- Josep Samitier (Parque Cientifico de Barcelona (PCB), Spain)
"Nano2Life a contribution to build the European Research Area in Nanobiotech"
- Helmut Schift (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
"Fabrication process for polymer photonic crystals using nanoimprint lithography"
- Robert Stadler (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
"An ab initio study of electron transport throught nitro-benzene: The influence of leads and contacts"
- Dimitrios Stamou (EPFL, Switzerland)
"Bio-nanotechnology: templated assembly of functional nanoscopic elements on surfaces"
- Maria Varela (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US)
"Atomic Scale analysis of complex oxide interfaces"
- Markus Wahl (University of Basel, Switzerland)
"2D polymerization of polymerization of planar molecular networks"
- Daniela Zanchet (Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncroton , Brazil)
"Dipolar interactions in Fe-Fe oxide colloidal nanoparticles: Size and concentration effects"
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