26 Enero, 2007/span>
Last Updated 16 May, 2005

Segovia, Spain From  2004-09-13  to  2004-09-17

Poster Awards

Only students will be eligible to receive poster awards.

As the last TNT edition 16 posters received awards. In this next edition, the organisation hopes to offer more than 20 awards to the best posters presented by students.

Please click on Poster title to download full abstract (Pdf format).
Funded by
Last NameName
Raith GmbH NIMS

Meister Andre Switzerland CSEM
Award: 400 Euros Poster: "Surface Patterning Using Attoliter Deposition by AFM Probes"
Raith GmbH NIMS Patti Jordan USAUCLA
Award: 400 Euros Poster: "Integration of Biological Molecules and Synthetic Membranes to Create Excitable Vesicles "
Parc Cientific de Barcelona Parc Cientific de Barcelona Robinson Luke UK University of Cambridge
Award:350 Euros Poster: "Electrical and Theoretical Results from Self-Aligned Side Gates to Carbon Nanotubes"
NANONET NANONET Collins Sean Canada McGill University
Award: 325 Euros Poster:"Investigation of Switching Fields of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Magnetic Force Microscopy"
NANONET NANONET Van Popta Andy Canada University of Alberta
Award: 325 Euros Poster: "Optical Properties of Nanostructured Porous Thin Films Fabricated Using Glancing Angle Deposition"
 Raith GmbH IRC in Nanotechnology Yang Ming-Hsun UK University of Cambridge
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Top and Back Gate Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Transistors by Rapid Growth Chemical Vapour Deposition Method"
AIST AIST Sun Yan Canada McGill University
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Electrical and Mechanical Contacts at the Atomic Scale: A Combined UHV STM / AFM Study"
 Raith GmbH RaithGmbH Martinez-Rodriguez Luis Javier Spain IMM-CNM-CSIC
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Fabrication and Characterization of 2D Photonic Crystals in GaInAsp/InP Semiconductor Laser Heterostructures"
 Institute of Physics Publishing IoP Publishing Tätte Tanel Estonia University of Tartu
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Tunnelling Induced Light Generated by Sb-Doped Tin Oxide Tips"
 iNANO iNANO Mativetsky Jeffrey Canada McGill University
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Metals And Molecules on an Insulating Surface: First Steps Towards an Atomically Defined Molecular Device"
 PHANTOMS Foundation PHANTOMS Foundation Scappucci Giordano Italy INFM - Universitá di Roma Tre
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Low Field Magnetotransport in Strained Si-Cavities"
NASANASA Perentes Alexandre Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Fabrication of Periodic Sub-Wavelength Nano-Structures in a 150nm Thick Gold Layer on Glass Slides For Optical Studies"
NASANASA Chan Jayna Canada University of Western Ontario
Award: 300 Euros Poster: "Characterization of The Molecular Chemistry of Metal-Based Nanobeads on a Gold Surface"
 IEEE IEEE Stomp Romain Canada McGill University
Award: 300 US Dollars Poster: "Detection of Single Electron Charging in Individual InAs Quantum Dot by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy"
 Donostia International Physics Center DIPC Valles Callizo Cristina Spain ICB-CSIC
Award:  1 week visit at DIPC with expenses fully covered Poster: "Influence of Metals and Reaction Conditions on the Chemical Vapor Deposition Production of Carbon Nanotubes Over Sol-Gel Catalysts"
 TNT 2004 Organisation TNT2004 Organisation Calleja Fabian Spain Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Award:  Free registration to the TNT2005 Conference Poster: "Contrast Reversal and Changing Shapes of Atomic Adsorbates in STM"
 Imperial College Press & World Scientific Alvarez-Sánchez Rubén Spain IMM-CNM-CSIC
Award:  Scientific Books* Poster: "Magnetostatics in Nanostructured Arrays: Beyond the Dipolar Approximation"
WILEY-VCH Costa Pedro UK University of Oxford
Award: One Textbook "Nanoelectronics and Information Technology : Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices" Poster: "Recent Developments on the Encapsulation of Materials Within Carbon Nanotubes"
WILEY-VCH Li Lain-Jong UK University of Oxford
Award: One Textbook "Nanoelectronics and Information Technology : Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices" Poster: "Chirality Assignment: Band Gap Modification of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes With Strain"
WILEY-VCH Solomon Gemma Australia University of Sydney
Award: One Textbook "Nanoelectronics and Information Technology : Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices" Poster: "Single Molecule Conductivity: The Role of Junction-Orbital Degeneracy in the Artificially High Currents Predicted by Ab Initio Approaches"
WILEY-VCH Yang Ming-Hsun UK University of Cambridge
Award: One Textbook "Nanoelectronics and Information Technology : Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices" Poster: "Nanoauger Spectroscopy Study of Thin Film Metal Catalyst Transformation for the Production of Multi-Wall and Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Method Deposition"
WILEY-VCH Paloniemi Hanna Finland University of Turku
Award: One Textbook "Nanoelectronics and Information Technology : Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Devices" Poster: "Non-Covalent Functionalization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes to Improve Water-Solubility"

*Award sponsored by "World Scientific and Imperial College Press" - consists of the following scientific books: 1) Nanoscience: Friction and Rheology on the Nanometer Scale. 2) Nano-Engineering in Science and Technology. 3) Near-Field Microscopy and Near-Field Optics. 4) Molecular Electronics: Commercial Insights, Chemistry, devices, Architecture and Programming. 5) Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes. 6)Quantum-Based Electronic Devices and Systems.

TNT 2003 Best Poster Awards

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