TNT 2004 "Trends in Nanotechnology"
La5 Abril, 2019nero, 2007

Segovia, Spain From  2004-09-13  to  2004-09-17

  TNT04 What's New TNT04  
  • Trends in Nanotechnology TNT2005 TNT Next edition will take place in Oviedo (Spain): August 29-September 02, 2005 and the related website will be available at


Fundacion PHANTOMS - Phantoms Foundation
University of Cambridge
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
CMP Cientifica
Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Purdue University
Universidad Carlos III
Parque Cientifico de Madrid
Nanomaterials Laboratory
Nanotechnology Research Institute
Universidad SEK, Segovia

iNANO - Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center
IRC in Nanotechnology

Nanomaterials Laboratory
NSERC Nano Innovation Platform
Phantoms IST Nanoelectronics Network
Information  Society
Donostia Iternational Physics Center
Office of Naval research Science & Technology
Parc Cientifica de Barcelona
Diputacion de Segovia
Junta de Castilla y Leon
Sociedad de Microscopia Española
Institute of Physics Publishing
Raith GmbH
Media Sponsors

Nanotechnology Now

NANOTEC Electronica
Raith GmbH
Institute of Physics Publishing
Scien Tec
Schaefer Technique
INTERFACE - Internet &  Software Company
The rapidly emerging areas of nanoscale science and technology are focussed on the design, fabrication, and characterization of functional objects having dimensions at the nanometer length scale. New advances in this emerging area are expected to have long range implications in a wide variety of different scientific and engineering disciplines. The importance of nanoscale science is growing worldwide and it is now widely recognized as a critical component to the future growth of the world economy.
In response to the growing awareness of the importance of nanotechnology, many conferences are being organized worldwide to discuss the latest advances. Among those, the series of conferences "Trends in Nanotechnology" (Toledo-Spain, 2000 / Segovia-Spain, 2001 / Santiago de Compostela-Spain, 2002 / Salamanca-Spain, 2003) has become a key meeting in the nanotechnology field since it brings fresh ideas on organisation, first level speakers, and an environment suitable to keep discussions, ideas exchange and enhance scientific and personal relations among participants. TNT2004 is being held in large part due to the overwhelming success of earlier Nanotechnology Conferences, TNT2000, TNT2001, TNT2002 and TNT2003. TNT2004 will be organized in a similar way to the four prior TNT conferences. In 2003, this five day conference attracted around 350 scientists worldwide and featured ~70 talks ranging from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Approximately 200 posters were presented.
The aim of the "Trends in Nanotechnology" conference (TNT2004) will be to focus on the applications of Nanotechnology and to bring together in a scientific Forum various groups throughout the world working in this field.
A characteristic feature of this conference is the large number of students presenting their results at poster sessions. No parallel sessions are hold at TNT and this structure provided such as last years an opportunity for broad interaction. The TNT presentations are categorised in the following major topics:
  • Nanofabrication
  • Measurements/characterization at the nanoscale
  • Carbon nanotubes
  • Quantum dots and wires/Electron transport phenomena
  • Bio-nanotechnology
  • Nanomagnetics/spintronics
  • Nanomechanics, e.g nanotribology, nanofluidics etc
  • New quantum phenomena, e.g. quantum computing
  • Modeling at nanoscale

During this event, specific sessions on topics of interest will be organised with Research labs or Institutions such as iNANO (Denmark), NIMS (Japan) or IEEE (USA). The half-day TNT04/IEEE session will focus on standards development impact on the commercialisation of Nanotechnology based products. Keynote speakers will detail ongoing standards efforts and future standards needs in the areas of nanoelectronics and nanomaterials. Standards challenges and opportunities to be addressed by speakers include:

  • Nanoscale materials characterization and metrology
  • Nanoscale device fabrication and manufacturing technologies
  • Test and measurement tools
  • Nanoelectronics reliability and performance
  • Interoperability environments of hybrid systems
  • Health and environmental issues
  • Roadmap for nanotechnology standards

A concluding panel session will focus on the topic "Standards and Nanotechnology - What is needed, Who Benefits, What are the Risks?" The panel session will include an interactive "question and answer" period.

Keynotes (to be completed)
  1. Masakasu Aono (Nanomaterials Lab. NIMS, Japan)
  2. Jean-Philippe Bourgoin (CEA/Saclay, France)
  3. Juergen Brugger (EPFL, Switzerland)
  4. Enrique Calleja (UPM, Spain)
  5. Federico Capasso (Harvard University, USA)
  6. Hai-Ping Cheng (University of Florida, USA)
  7. Mei-Yin Chou (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
  8. Ken Dean (Motorola, USA)
  9. Georg S. Düsberg (Infineon Technologies AG, Germany)
  10. Andreas Engel (University of Basel, Switzerland)
  11. Albert Fert (CNRS/THALES, France)
  12. F. Javier Garcia de Abajo (CSIC-UPV/EHU, Spain)
  13. Peter Gruetter (McGill University, Canada)
  14. L. Jay Guo (University of Michigan, USA )
  15. Tomihiro Hashizume (Hitachi Advanced Research Lab., Japan)
  16. Anwar Hasmy (IVIC, Venezuela)
  17. Andy Henson (International Office of the National Physical Laboratory, UK)
  18. Christian Joachim (CEMES/CNRS, France)
  19. Krishna Kalyanasundara (Motorola, USA)
  20. Phil Kuekes (Hewlett-Packard, USA)
  21. Young Kuk (Seoul National University, Korea)
  22. Gerhard Meyer (IBM, Swtzerland)
  23. Mervyn Miles (University of Bristol, UK)
  24. Eiichi Nakamura (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
  25. Roberto Otero (iNANO, Denmark)
  26. Danny Porath (Hebrew University, Israel)
  27. Edward Rashba (IEEE, USA)
  28. Mathis Riehle (University of Glasgow, UK)
  29. Stephan Roche (CEA-DRFMC, France)
  30. Frank Scheffold (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
  31. Ivan K. Schuller (UCSD, USA)
  32. Alexander Shluger (University College London, UK)
  33. Robert Shull (NIST, USA)
  34. Clivia Sotomayor (NMRC, Ireland)
  35. Joachim P. Spatz (University of Heidelberg , Germany)
  36. Erio Tossati (SISSA, Italy)
  37. John Tucker (Keithly instruments, USA)
  38. Masaru Tsukada (Waseda University, Japan)
  39. Daniel Ugarte (Lab. Nacional de la Luz Síncrotron, Brazil)
  40. Patrick Van Hove (EU IST/FET, Belgium)
  41. Mark Welland (Cambridge University-IRC, UK)
  42. Stuart Wolf (DARPA, USA)
  43. Noboru Yamazaki (NRI /AIST, Japan)
  44. Constantine Yannouleas (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
  45. Hiroshi Yokoyama (AIST, Japan)

Conference Location:
Universidad SEK-Segovia
Campus de Santa Cruz de la Real
C/Cardenal Zúñiga, 12
40003 Segovia, Spain
13-17 September, 2004

Campus de Santa Cruz de la Real, Conference location

Further details:
Antonio Correia
Fundacion PHANTOMS
PCM-UAM, Ctra. Colmenar Viejo Km 15
Campus de Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid



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